Your Imagination, Our Expertise: Customized Solutions for Every Requirement

At KalkiSoft, we commit to delivering not only the finest but also the most personalized Software Development Services and Products, aiming to enhance your efficiency and profitability. We believe in embracing your dream projects as our own responsibility.

Our Story

Born from a deep passion for technology and fueled by over two decades of industry expertise, KalkiSoft understands the struggles faced by manufacturing businesses. Driven by empathy and a desire to make a difference, we embarked on a journey to provide affordable solutions. Through relentless dedication, we developed software to simplify the complexities of manual invoicing and inventory management, empowering small and medium-sized enterprises to thrive. At KalkiSoft, we’re more than just a software company; we’re your partners in success, committed to supporting your growth every step of the way.


To revolutionize the way businesses operate, providing innovative and affordable software solutions tailored to their unique needs. We envision a future where technology empowers every business. At KalkiSoft, we strive to be at the forefront of this transformation, driving positive change and inspiring growth in every organization we serve.


Providing small and medium-sized businesses with comprehensive solutions to streamline and monitor operations, ultimately enhancing profitability. At KalkiSoft, we visualize a future where businesses have access to advanced tools and technologies to achieve unprecedented levels of growth. To elevate our products to international standards by leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Our Journey so far..